What a week this has been! I'm sooooooo tired! This week Elder Glines and I put in 15 hours of tracting, 69 street contacts, and 2 service projects. Needless to say I still need a nap.
I finally got to teach a lesson yesterday! It was an awesome feeling. The best part was it was right before a baptism for the other elders in the area. He said he would commit as soon as his head cleared out (which will be soon, he's solid)
I sure am enjoying the scenery around the area here, it's so beautiful! I only wish it wasn't so stormy and cold, otherwise I would go out to Garden of the Gods today! It's just down the street from me! It's awesome.
The religious activity here is crazy, I've never experienced something like it anywhere. My companion and I get accosted everywhere we go, big surprise. But it's great cause it just gives us another chance to share the gospel!
The work here is slow at the time, but it's still progressing forward, so just remember us missionaries in Colorado Springs in your prayers! Love you all!
Elder Nielson
PS Letters are appreciated, I want to hear from all of you! :)
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