Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Excerpts of letter from Elder Squishy 3/28/2011

"It's incredibly hard to get into homes here, out of the probably 50 or so hours tracting we've done here this transfer ONE person let us in.  It's a whole new ballpark here.  Churches teach anti-mormon classes in their church, and it's actually the headquarters for 38 different religions, including focus on the family who took donations from the church then went hardcore anti.  It's nuts in the Springs.

That pretty much sums it up, really discouraging with working hard around sicknesses.  My companion and I both had flulike stuff for 2 weeks.  And it's hard to stay motivated when you have doors slammed in your face for 4-5 hours straight a day.  But alas, that's the life of a missionary.  Our one solid investigator we had to transfer to other missionaries cause he actually lives out of our zone.  So our investigator pool is back down to zero.

For transfers we get an email the day before transfer day telling us where we're going.  So we have monday to pack up, and transfer day meeting is on tuesday.  Everyone who is moving or getting a new companion goes.  I have no idea where I'm going or if I'm staying.  There's no way to tell."

From Dad: 
I don't think Sky would mind me posting this excerpt from his recent letter to me here, because I believe it's an accurate depiction of the faith and dedication he has to the Work.  Those of you who have served missions no doubt recognize the angst  is feeling and the grit and determination it takes to get through periods like that. I'm sure he will be blessed for his faith and perseverance, with abundant opportunities to teach and see investigators grow in the gospel as they accept the message and work towards baptism.  Don't forget he needs letters as often as you can send them along.  They have a transfer coming up early next week, so it's uncertain if he'll remain there or where he'll be.  So, it might be safer to write to him in care of the mission home for now, until we find out the outcome of the transfer day:

Colorado Colorado Springs Mission
4090 Center Park Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80916


Have to keep it short today but it was a good week.  Actually got into a house on saturday while tracting but don't know if he is serious about learning so we'll see.  I hope we can meet again with him, since he didn't come to church.  Our solid investigator was handed off to other Elders so hopefully he does well there.  Did a ton of service on saturday, it was pretty awesome.  Otherwise it was a short uneventful week.
Need to go but Love you all the church is true!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


What up yall?!
Man, crazy week and a half! First off, We've still been battling illness in the district. My companion was pretty down and out feeling for half the week, then we had exchanges on thursday and friday.  So on thursday I was in a completely new area, a little town called woodland park about 8000 feet in elevation.  It was pretty sweet there, it was like it was literally right in the middle of a forrest. But saying that I wouldn't want to have to tract there again haha.
I got to work with an Elder from Hawaii during exchanges. Man he's hilarious.  I asked him if he's ever been bit by a shark and I guess he believed that I was actually serious... Whoda thunk that someone would take me serious?!  Believe it or not miracles happen everyday in The Colorado Colorado Springs mission...
So due to geographical problems we lost our investigator we have been working with. But another awesome miracle is a young man whose inlaws are in one of our wards moved here for a few weeks before he is in active duty in the navy.  He's already been taught and interviewed and he literally is all ready to get wet.  We got the approval from President to just interview him and get him in.  We called him and have the date set and everything.  I just hope I don't get transferred cause it'll be the week after transferrs!
The last two days I had the chance to be with all the greenies in the mission home getting taught some more lessons and whatnot to make us better missionaries.  Man what an awesome experience! I loved it not only cause I got to see all my brothers were strong in the faith like the sons of mosiah, I learned so freakin much! It was intense.  I love President and Sister Pfile, and am really sad I don't have more time with them before they go home.  Bummer.  But alas, life goes on!
There appears to be a hurricane coming through Colorado Springs recently.  Our corrola was even being blown off the road yesterday! Intense...  I saw a little sign with big metal poles bent right over, I'm just waiting for something to blow out our power lol. 
Well that's it for now, I testify that this gospel is the ONLY true church on the earth today and innumerable blessings will come thru it if you are faithful!
Love you all!
Elder Nielson

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

03/7/2011- 03/14/2011

Heyo Everyone!
What's  good?!  It's been crazy here! Disease has broken out in my district! 3/4 elders in my area have been down this week including myself! It's crazy! But it's all good we're getting to work still!
Our investigator is solid, he told us God answered his question and he knows he needs to get baptized!  He's an awesome dude, We're calling him weekly and I get to yell at him cause he keeps forgetting to read the book of mormon... Good stuff getting to yell at him tho!
We came across another guy and were able to teach him, he said he would be baptized as well, but we haven't been able to track him down since, we'll see what happens with him.

Otherwise the work is as you would expect, lots of walking, knocking on doors, and having them slammed in our faces.  Pretty fun stuff indeed!  Meeting with some of the members here makes up for it definitely tho.  There's this family that's awesome.  Their kids make me laugh so hard!

The deer here are crazy! I've never gotten close enough to pet deer before in my life but here, they're in everybody's front yard!! I wonder why they're so far down here, the mountains don't have much snow on them... Crazy...

Well thanks so much everyone for the love and support you have shown this week, I know that this church is the church of Christ on the Earth, and nothing can take that away.  Just do us missionaries a favor and give referrals!! Lol

Elder Nielson

One of the photos is a view of Pike's Peak outside of our front door, Random picture I took of Elder Bystrom I took at a baptism (he didn't know I was going to take it) Bos Nas who oversees our studying, and random motion shot of Elder Glines'... nametag and chocolate bar... Random...

Monday, March 7, 2011


What a week this has been! I'm sooooooo tired! This week Elder Glines and I put in 15 hours of tracting, 69 street contacts, and 2 service projects.  Needless to say I still need a nap.
I finally got to teach a lesson yesterday! It was an awesome feeling.  The best part was it was right before a baptism for the other elders in the area.  He said he would commit as soon as his head cleared out (which will be soon, he's solid)
I sure am enjoying the scenery around the area here, it's so beautiful! I only wish it wasn't so stormy and cold, otherwise I would go out to Garden of the Gods today! It's just down the street from me! It's awesome.
The religious activity here is crazy, I've never experienced something like it anywhere.  My companion and I get accosted everywhere we go, big surprise.  But it's great cause it just gives us another chance to share the gospel! 
The work here is slow at the time, but it's still progressing forward, so just remember us missionaries in Colorado Springs in your prayers! Love you all!
Elder Nielson
PS Letters are appreciated, I want to hear from all of you! :)

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

First Letter From Colorado Springs!

Well, I'm in Colorado now. Surprise surprise.  My first area is in the Colorado springs, covering two wards areas.  I went to both of their church sessions yesterday and have met some families, and they're great wards.  I'm excited to serve here. 
So, my companion, Elder Glines is an interesting fellow.  Never in my life would I think that I would have run into someone like me so much serving a mission at the same time as myself.  Both of us were double honor ITS members, and just shockingly alike.  It's crazy how things work like that.  He just got made district leader too so I know I'm being trained well. 
The area was kinda slow when I came into it, but we're working hard to change that.  While we were out tracting we came across a lady who was interested in hearing more so we're going back on wednesday to give her a first lesson.  Pretty exciting! There are some baptisms of a couple the other companionships have been teaching on saturday too, it's pretty awesome. 
Well I don't have much time but just wanna say that the church is true, and this work can bring miracles!
Elder Nielson